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From Circopedia

  • ...Europe and in America—where he eventually settled. He was born Heinz Erich Baumann in Berlin, Germany, on September 14, 1928, in a family connected to ...l, and Charlie’s exploit caught the attention of [[Erie Klant]], [[Willy Hagenbeck]]’s stepson, who owned the act, and whose Walkenburg, Holland, zoological
    16 KB (2,654 words) - 21:41, 21 February 2024
  • ...mals were horses, but a first elephant bought from [[The Hagenbeck Dynasty|Hagenbeck]] was soon added, and seven more would follow in 1906, purchased from the L|Krone]]), [[Circus Barum|Barum]] (Kreiser), and [[The Hagenbeck Dynasty|Hagenbeck]]. Their owners had all been influenced by the European triumphs of Barnum
    71 KB (11,113 words) - 18:15, 17 April 2024