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From Circopedia

  • .... Petersburg since he had already been there with the [[Jacques Tourniaire|Tourniaire Company]] in 1827. Viool was on his way to become an important figure of th ...ompany: First, the panneau ballerinas—Mesdemoiselles Slapashinskaya; Louise Letard, who danced the ''zabadauda'' on her trotting horse; Josefina Guerra
    33 KB (5,276 words) - 18:07, 10 July 2024
  • ...layed great strength and courage after a bad fall, which greatly impressed Tourniaire. The equestrian offered to take him as an apprentice, but Baptiste, who was it quite a significant organization. It is during this association with Tourniaire that Baptiste Loisset became apprentice to the famous equestrian.
    18 KB (2,790 words) - 23:04, 9 July 2024
  • ...which was very popular in the German states since their father, [[Jacques Tourniaire]] (1772-1829), had established his company there at the beginning of the ni ...wn), had nine children: Max (1853-1933), Ernst, Albert (1858-1939), Adele, Louise, Adolf, Martha, Jacques (who became the circus’s music conductor) and Emi
    53 KB (8,244 words) - 21:13, 15 November 2023
  • Moscow the following year—but both were ephemeral. Viool was with Tourniaire in 1826-27, and we may surmise that he told Guerra about these very success ..., flat wooden saddle on which the equestrienne performs as a ballerina): [[Louise Létard]], who danced the ''zabadauda'' on her trotting horse, Josefina Gue
    22 KB (3,460 words) - 06:28, 28 July 2024