La Tangente du Bras Tendu

From Circopedia

Flying Act

Claire Ardouin, catcherIn an acrobatic or a flying act, the person whose role is to catch acrobats that have been propelled in the air.; Stéphane Bourdaud, catcherIn an acrobatic or a flying act, the person whose role is to catch acrobats that have been propelled in the air.; Maxime Bourdon, flyerAn acrobat that is propelled in the air, either in a flying act, or in an acrobatic act (i.e. teeterboard).; Lutz Christian, flyerAn acrobat that is propelled in the air, either in a flying act, or in an acrobatic act (i.e. teeterboard).; Tristan Etienne, flyerAn acrobat that is propelled in the air, either in a flying act, or in an acrobatic act (i.e. teeterboard).; Jérôme Hosenbux, catcherIn an acrobatic or a flying act, the person whose role is to catch acrobats that have been propelled in the air.; Brice Porquet, flyerAn acrobat that is propelled in the air, either in a flying act, or in an acrobatic act (i.e. teeterboard).; Elza Renoud, flyerAn acrobat that is propelled in the air, either in a flying act, or in an acrobatic act (i.e. teeterboard).; Lucie Ryan, flyerAn acrobat that is propelled in the air, either in a flying act, or in an acrobatic act (i.e. teeterboard).; Hugues Louagie, comedian.