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- ...rcus troupes that traveled abroad, in shows produced by the Soviet central circus organization, [[SoyuzGosTsirk]]. ...ow)|State College for Circus and Variety Arts]] in 1927, the world's first circus university.3 KB (510 words) - 19:28, 14 April 2022
- ...ed to settle in Germany, where he toured for a while with his own ''Moscow Circus''. Yet, his return to Russia in 2015, for the first (and short-lived) [[Mas ...en visited with his mother the "Old Circus" on Tsvetnoy Boulevard (today [[Circus Nikulin]]), and he remembered (in hindsight, perhaps a little disingenuousl31 KB (5,096 words) - 22:01, 22 February 2024
- ...le directeur autrichien [[Ludwig Svoboda]] renomma son ''Zirkus Lajos'', [[Circus Medrano-Svoboda|''Cirque Medrano de Vienne'']]. Comme il n'existait à l'é ...]] en Angleterre, [[John Ringling North]] aux États-Unis et, avant eux, [[Circus Sarrasani|Hans Stosch]] en Allemagne, Jérôme Medrano appartenait à une r157 KB (26,209 words) - 21:39, 13 December 2024
- ...que le Nouveau Cirque, avec sa piscine profonde, et depuis peu le cirque [[Circus Busch|Busch]] de Berlin, étaient les seuls cirques capables d'accueillir à ...avaient été (et redeviendront) des vedettes du cirque [[Barnum & Bailey Circus|Barnum & Bailey]], firent l'une de leurs multiples apparitions au Nouveau C144 KB (23,685 words) - 22:05, 16 January 2025