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- - August 21-September 26, 1817: British equestrian James West builds a new wooden circus structure on the east side of Broadway, at - October 3-June 10, 1864: James N. Nixon serves as manager.16 KB (2,346 words) - 19:35, 1 March 2021
- ...ence of [[Philip Astley]], [[Charles Hughes]], [[Andrew Ducrow]], [[George Sanger]], and other luminaries of the British circus, they still hold an important ...even children, only one of whom carried on in the circus business (Stephen James, a.k.a. Leon). After Stephen's death, the surviving children (except Leon)34 KB (5,683 words) - 06:30, 8 November 2018
- ...nd was billed for a time as a bareback rider and acrobat under the name of James Turner. By 1845, however, he had reverted to his own identity and, as Jim M ...rofitably a fierce competition with the English circus king, [["Lord" John Sanger]].11 KB (1,726 words) - 19:55, 1 February 2020
- ...nt was by far the United Kingdom’s premier and largest traveling circus. Sanger’s stables were particularly rich, and young Foottit furthered his equestr Paris, in a show whose star was the first ''auguste'' seen in France, [[James Guyon]]. The auguste was a newcomer to the circus ring; the equestrian [[To32 KB (5,327 words) - 23:34, 1 December 2024
- ...e meilleur et le plus grand établissement du Royaume-Uni. Les écuries de Sanger étaient particulièrement importantes, et le jeune Foottit continua son é ...podrome de l’Alma]] à Paris, dans un spectacle dont la vedette était [[James Guyon]], le premier auguste vu en France. L’auguste était un nouveau ven36 KB (6,078 words) - 20:53, 27 May 2024
- ...rone’s huge elephant act from Banda Vidane, who had retired. (In 2002, [[James Puydebois]] succeeded her, bringing with him the mighty Colonel Joe, the hu ...Video_(1969)|Christel Sembach Krone, Alexander Bohnstedt, Adi Enders, Mike Sanger]], high school act (1969)80 KB (12,646 words) - 21:49, 26 November 2024
- ...s Circus]]. (The original Pimpo, whom Jimmy Freeman replaced, was Herbert Sanger.)5 KB (807 words) - 02:50, 22 June 2024