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  • ...even children, only one of whom carried on in the circus business (Stephen James, a.k.a. Leon). After Stephen's death, the surviving children (except Leon) ==Stephen James Samwell (a.k.a. Leon Samwells, 1844-after 1890), Equestrian, Aerialist, Act
    34 KB (5,683 words) - 06:30, 8 November 2018
  • In 1836, the British equestrian [[Thomas Cooke]] visited the United States and brought back to England the American travel ...g into a partnership with [[Phineas Taylor barnum|P.T. Barnum]] in 1881, [[James Anthony Bailey]] (1847-1906) had embarked his Cooper & Bailey Circus on a t
    32 KB (4,908 words) - 22:56, 14 October 2023
  • ...oday’s 3,250 Euros, a comfortable sum then. Albert also performed with [[James Washington Myers]] in England, and then at Paris’s [[Cirque Medrano (Pari ...It is during this time that he met and married [[The Cooke Family|Victoria Cooke]], who belonged to the old (and prolific) Scottish circus dynasty. Together
    53 KB (8,244 words) - 21:13, 15 November 2023